Sarthak Bhatia

Sarthak Bhatia
Sarthak Bhatia
Sarthak Bhatia
Sarthak Bhatia
Sarthak Bhatia
Sarthak Bhatia
Sarthak Bhatia
Sarthak Bhatia
Sarthak Bhatia
Sarthak Bhatia

Personal details

  • Category: Male Actor
  • Interested in : Movies, Advertisement , Modeling , Tv Serials, Tv Programs , Short Flims, Web Series, Youtube Channels
  • Age: 26
  • Screen age: 28
  • Height In cm: 181
  • Weight in Kg: 72
  • Body Type: Lean
  • Skin Tone: Fair skin
  • Acting Skill: Experience
  • Project Details: I like to believe that i am a Versatile.
  • No of Projects: 20
  • Shoot Prefer: My State, Across India, Across Globe
  • Language Known : Hindi, English, Haryanvi
  • Qualification: 12th Pass
  • Current Job: Actor
  • Native country : Indian


Experience Details: I have 2years of theatre experience from Mukhaa-Mukham Manch, delhi and I have done some webseries,short films, serial and some comdey vines and here is my

Work link:
















Mumbai City,Maharashtra